Respiratory Drug Delivery (RDD®) 2026 will be held at The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa, Scottsdale, Arizona, May 10-14, 2026.
RDD 2026 offers in-depth presentation and discussion of pioneering respiratory drug delivery science in tandem with expanded opportunities for networking. With over thirty five years of history, the RDD conference series continues to deliver quality across the board, bringing delegates from around the world, from industry influencers to start-up innovators and young scientists, ready to sharpen ideas and meet new business partners in a relaxed atmosphere.
The meeting format will include:
- Prominent researchers and key opinion leaders from diverse backgrounds providing actionable insights relevant to science, regulation, business and clinical practice.
- Knowledge Spaces making information tailored to your areas of interest easy to find.
- Explore with Experts discussions to enhance podium presentations.
- Posters highlighting the latest developments from the aerosol community, with particularly innovative posters selected for presentation in the main auditorium during Posters on the Podium.
- Delegate-selectable Workshops providing practical and interactive demonstrations of innovative technologies, products and services.
- Exhibit tables and online Company Profiles that highlight resources, solutions and connections.
- Networking events geared towards finding your next collaborator, customer or job.
- Charles G. Thiel Award will be awarded to a scientist who has pioneered significant developments in the area of Respiratory Drug Delivery.
- RDD VCU Peter R. Byron Graduate Student Award will be awarded to a student who presents the highest quality research at the conference.
- RDD 2026 peer-reviewed proceedings are available electronically to all registrants.
Plan Now to Participate in RDD 2026
Speaker Abstract and Workshop Proposal Submissions Due: September 1, 2025
Charles G. Thiel Award Nomination Due: November 30, 2025
Scientific Poster Abstract Submissions Due: January 23, 2026
Online registration is scheduled to open Fall 2025.